2016 Totals – 31 December 2016

Since 2014, I’ve posted my yearly totals on Facebook.  However, since I have a blog now, I figured I’d go more in depth.  I also shamelessly copied some of Lionel Sanders blog format for my use.

Here’s the direct gouge from FB – I used Strava to get these numbers, and these come directly from Garmin and flow into Training Peaks as well – I would consider these numbers harmonized across all platforms.  I also only counted SBR totals, not strength/yoga/etc.

2016 Totals:
Swim – 317,679 yards –> 180.5 miles // 102 Hours // 159 Swims
Bike – 1830 miles // 159 Hours // 148 Rides
Run – 908.6 miles // 127 Hours // 179 Runs
Races – 17 (11 triathlons–> 1x HIM, 1x IM, 6x Olympic, 3x sprint)
Total – 2919.1 miles
Total Time – 388 hours

For comparison, I’ve put the 2015 figures below:

2015 Totals:
Swim – 320,710 yards –> 182.22 miles
Bike – 2418.8 miles
Run – 909.6 miles
Races – 13 (10 triathlons–> 3x HIM, 1x IM, 1 OWS, 2 bike TTs)
Total – 3510.62 miles
Total Time – 442 hours

My 2016 volume is a little less than 2015.  My lack of consistency in training is the big culprit, but I did improve my full IM time so I am pleased with that.  As I noted in an earlier blog post, 2017 will be getting back to basics – consistency, enjoying the process, and having fun.

Here’s some more of the “nerdy” info for those who like to crunch the numbers like me:

Strava Log is here

Looking at 2016’s PMC always gives a good idea of what happened during the year.  My fitness steadily progressed even though I raced heavily during the spring and summer.  I started burning out in August after USAT Nationals, so coach and I decided to take a slight break.  This coincidentally happened the same time as the new World of Warcraft Expansion came out on 31 August (whoops).

After a bit of a slump, I completed Superfrog 70.3 on fumes and went sub-5 (by 9 seconds…but it still counts).  I started gearing back up for full IM training in mid-August and started to rally until IMAZ.  Suffice to say, my fitness was not even close to my potential for IMAZ, so I need to work on holding it together better in the future. Kudos to Coach Mike for keeping me on track, I’m a big pain in the ass to coach sometimes but he has faith in me and it helps.

Overall, 2016 was a good year, and I’ll be learning from my mistakes to make 2017 a better year!

2017 Race Schedule – 14 December 2016

I finalized the first half of my 2017 race schedule until May.  I’ll use Oceanside 70.3 to shake things out and then Santa Rosa 70.3 as my first real test to see what I can do.  After May, we’ll see what happens.  If I do well enough to qualify for 70.3 WC, then I’ll race Chattanooga in September.  If I don’t qualify by May, then I plan on doing Santa Cruz 70.3 and Superfrog 70.3.  After triathlon season ends in September, I plan on a running campaign for the fall to murder a half marathon in late November or early December.  I sprinkled in a few other races here and there, so we’ll see how the summer and fall look after May.

2017 Focus – Racing less this year to focus on consistent training, improving top end, less tapering/recovery and more quality

1.15.17 – Carlsbad Half Marathon

2.7.17 – Redondo Beach 5k/10k Superbowl

3.4 – 3.10.17 – Solvang Triathlon Camp

3.20.17 – Superseal (104 days from 12.5.2016)

4.1.17 – Oceanside 70.3 (117 days from 12.5.2016)

5.13.17 – Santa Rosa 70.3


After Vineman 70.3, I haven’t committed to anything yet…the rest of the season is up in the air

7.9.17 – Boilermaker 15k in New York (for friends)

8.12.17 – USAT Nationals (?)

9.9.17 – 70.3 WC??? (Ha – I’d like to!) (Travel Race #2 or #3 if lucky)

9.10.17 – Santa Cruz 70.3 (if I don’t qualify for WC)

9.17.17 – Nautica Malibu Olympic Triathlon

9.24.17 – Superfrog 70.3

Post Superfrog – Run a half marathon very fast, aim for late November or early December